Quickly see key metrics about the health and progress of your FOG program with dashboards that summarize cleaning status, inspections, non-compliance, and open violations to reduce risk.

Streamline your FOG program by centralizing information & automating tedious tasks to help reduce SSOs.
Streamline and automate cumbersome tasks with a simple, modern, browser-based solution that’s easy to implement and intuitive to use.
Track cleaning schedules, send cleaning reminders, and collect proof of cleanings electronically with customizable cleaning forms for waste haulers and facilities.
Simplify compliance management with a complete timeline of communications, maintenance, and inspection history to quickly understand current status and history.
Trusted by hundreds of innovative cities

Cloud-native applications enable our inspectors to access all of our facility information from the office, in the field, and in the current COVID-19-work environment – from their homes utilizing a laptop or a tablet, even their smartphones

Take Your FOG Program Online
Unify Program Management
Digitize all program management with pre-built, intelligent custom inspection forms for less data entry and faster field work by accessing all facility information online for more efficient site visits.
Visualize Compliance KPIs

Compliance & Enforcement Management
Proactively Track Compliance
Automatically determine non-compliance by using inspection results, device cleanings, or other data to determine required action — or override manually for unparalleled control.
Strengthen Hauler Relationships
Provide Haulers the ability to submit electronic proof of cleanings and enter information for all their Facilities on a single screen for faster visibility and more efficient reporting.
Simplify & streamline FOG management by digitizing your program.
And with Aquatic Informatics, itʼs not just software…
Connect directly with a support specialist by phone or online whenever you need assistance. Access a growing library of on-demand videos, tutorials, and guides 24/7 in the knowledge base to discover learnings at your convenience.
Regular software updates and enhancements to ensure your evolving needs are being met or exceeded. Help shape the future of our software by submitting ideas and requests in our online community.
Using the power of business to solve social and environmental problems, we’re committed to the highest standards of sustainable practices, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.

More Productive, Faster Inspections
Eliminating data silos across the water cycle.

Don’t compromise compliance.
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